Friday, April 30, 2010

Conduct R analysis within SAS

R is attractive to statistical analysts for its ease of use and ready access of packages implementing modern methodologies. If you have IML, you can submit R commands within SAS/IML enviornment, see Rick's post @ here. Unfortunately, not all analysts have licensed IML. To work around this limitation, I proposed the following technique to submit R statements in a SAS/Base enviornment.

To exchange data between R and SAS, I pushed SAS dataset into a CSV file that can be read by R. Instead, with some more coding, we can leverage the 'sas7bdat' R package to read SAS data directly into R, see Charlie Huang's blog @ here for a demonstration.

%macro RScript(Rscript);
data _null_;
     file "&Rscript";
     infile cards;
     put _infile_;

%macro CallR(Rscript, Rlog);
systask command "C:\Progra~1\R\R-2.8.0\bin\R.exe CMD BATCH --vanilla --quiet
                    &Rscript  &Rlog "
        taskname=rjob1  wait  status=rjobstatus1;

data a;
     length i 4;
     array _x{100} x1-x100;
     do i=1 to 300;
        do j=1 to dim(_x); _x[j]=rannor(98765); end;
        output;    drop j;

proc export data=a  outfile="c:\a.csv"  dbms=csv; run;

dcsv <- read.csv('c:/a.csv', header=T);
dsvd$u[1:5, 1:5];

%CallR(c:/rscript.r, c:/rlog1.txt);

data _null_;
     infile "c:\rlog1.txt";
     put _infile_;

1 comment:

Fisherman72 said...

That's a good technique to know.

I can think of several things on my to-do list that would benefit from combining the data munging I know how to do in SAS, with some of the machine learning packages available in R.